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All Discussions
Plug Refusing Changes
Watchdog talking to LocalDeck over ESPHome API
Using Tasmota plugs without any additional hardware
LocalDeck: ESPHome update failed
Controlling a Smart Plug from a Pi
Smart Plug and Tasmota
Network issues - mdns to begin with
Smart plug
LB Plug simply died !
ESPHome GitHub repo unification/merging
Feature suggestions for the LocalDeck Configurator
LocalDeck Suggestion - Battery Backpack
installing the localbytes plug via the ESP Dashboard
Lifespan of the smart plugs?
Factory Reset
Completely unscientific, power consumption of the new smart bulbs (just for fun)
Warnings compiling after HA ESPHome add-on upgrade
local deck keeps dropping pings. I can't get it to stay on the network
LocalDeck factory yaml?
ap_timeout interaction with reboot_timeout
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