Hey! I am a big fan of the LocalBytes Tasmota Smart Plugs and have about 15 of them running in my house, with a bunch more on the way.
However, in one room of my house it seems like they die pretty regularly. There are four smart plugs in that room, all controlling lamps with LED bulbs. The plugs in this room seem to have a much lower lifespan then the others and I semi-regularly find the lamps turned off, and the plugs unresponsive to button presses and disconnected from my WiFi.
These lights operate on a very simple pattern with two toggles per day, initiated by Home Assistant - on at sunset, off at sunrise.
They get warm, but they don't respond in any way and so end up in the bin.
Does anyone have insight into what could be causing this? It's a little frustrating to have to keep re-buying them - and to miss out on the automations while I wait for the replacements.
PS - I have three recently-dead ones at home right now - happy to send these back for inspection if you would like to figure out what killed them! They are well past the 30 day return period though.
edit: just spotted that all three of the dead ones are 2021-11 revisions that came with Tasmota 10.0.0 - maybe newer ones are longer-lived?