[unknown] There look to be two projects on GitHub for LB Plug ESPHome firmwares. One from JamesSwift and another from yourselves, which appears to be a fork of the former which they created first.
I wouldn’t want to pressure James to hand over/archive his original work.
We reached out to him before shipping the ESPHome variant to check if he was okay with us forking, and we even offered to compensate him for the work.
However, as a "vendor, it was essential for us to have a fork on the LocalBytes account that represented the firmware we use for shipping. This could have been a private repo, but that didn’t sit right with the way we work (and could have been a license violation)
[unknown] So I put in a PR to disable that sensor from storing its data
Hopefully, it’ll get spotted and merged!
Thanks for contributing! It looks like a valuable addition, so I don’t see why we wouldn’t add it!
Frustratingly, how GitHub works makes it easy to lose track of PRs!
[unknown] Seems like were abandoned by Localbytes
I’m sorry to hear you feel that way. We spent a lot of time doing our best to ensure that people were generally happy with the products we provided, so it’s disheartening to hear that you feel abandoned.
I will note that there have been instances where the calibration process has become unstable. As such, multiple batches have been held back for re-flashing and recalibrating. This is true for both ESPHome and Tasmota units.
Given the frequency of the stock orders, we have opted towards having fewer firmware iterations, even if that results in customers upgrading the base version of Tasmota/ESPHome after receiving their device.
This was a conscious decision, and not due to the product being abandoned (which it has not been)
[unknown] PS I just noticed these plugs save its preferences each minute to flash, wow you guys think thats going help with the life of the plug… ahh maybe its by design.. but these things wont last that long if your constantly writing to flash. but if you had a proper design team and development you would know this right ?
As mentioned above, I’m glad that’s been noticed and contributed. This is present in the ESPHome defaults, which were, again, part of the configuration James provided. It’s also a default which, even at the scale of the community reflashing other devices, is uncommonly amended.
I can assure you this is not some form of scheme to force early redundancy, all that would do is cause us to be replacing devices sooner, especially given how we often wave the 1-year window.
However, I can only apologise for doing my best to provide people with pre-flashed devices!
Whilst this forum does not have a specific code of conduct, let me be clear that all participants are expected to act in good faith. Please remember we are still people behind the screen!