I’ve recently received 2 new LB plugs - thank you @RebeccaH - however I’m having slightly different problems with them. Both are pre-flashed with Tamosta firmware.
both plugs - cannot be found in home assistant
both plugs - frequently drop from the wifi (as observed in my router)
both plugs - I’ve tried in different locations in the house and even had them both in the same room, same results.
both plugs - I’ve power cycled them and even left them switched off over night.
both plugs - attempted to connect and config when the wifi was quiet - but no luck.
both plugs - IP addresses are visible in my router
plug1 - I’ve connected to it via, wasn’t taken to the web url (but found it via my router), updated the MQTT, Tasmota friendly name, and home assistant config. All saved successfully.
plug1 - I’ve seen power readings being displayed on the plug web url
plug2 - I’m unable to connect to its web url via the IP address.
Overall I’m frustrated with how ‘seemingly difficult’ it is for these plugs to connect and keep a wifi connection - which in turn is souring my experience with these products.
Any thoughts or comments on what I’m missing, not done, etc are most welcome.