I really like the LocalDeck. I’ve configured it as a control panel for my tabletop gaming table. It allows me to configure the LEDs for player colours, set music playing, and much more. The only issue I’ve found was the holes for the legs on one side were too small, but that was easily solved by sanding one of the legs down a little.
My idea/suggestion is having a battery “module” that can attach to the back. I think there could be quite a few use cases for this where someone has it on a coffee table where running a power cable would be a pain, or the one I was thinking of, wanting to temporarily move it around before placing it back on charge.
Having a USB port for power on the back of the localdeck means this could be added in a DIY fashion and be relatively hidden, but it would be good to have it fit seemlessly with the case for comfort when holding, have an additional port for charging and passthrough, a power switch to prevent battery drain, etc.