I am trying to use a Local Bytes smart plug with a ping watchdog reboot script. This is modelled on a blog post at graham.ms with a different device.
My problem is that as soon as I add
- ESP8266WiFi
- https://github.com/akaJes/AsyncPing#95ac7e4
Dependencies are:
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 1MB Flash
Dependency Graph
|-- ESPAsyncTCP-esphome @ 2.0.0
|-- ESP8266WiFi @ 1.0
|-- AsyncPing(esp8266) @ 1.1.0+sha.95ac7e4
|-- ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome @ 3.2.2
|-- DNSServer @ 1.1.1
|-- ESP8266mDNS @ 1.2
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.6
|-- ArduinoJson @ 6.18.5
Can I remove some of these, somehow? I don’t need any of the power monitoring features that come with the stock config, for example. But without the web interface I am going to struggle to re-flash it without a serial port.